Two Women Reading on the Verandah
Ingham, North Queensland, Australia ~ ca. 1894-1903
photo by Harriett Pettifore Brims, 1864-1939 (below left)
As these two women (friends? sisters?) knew over a hundred years ago, you just can't beat a good reading buddy. And, truly, my friend Cate is one of the best. No way I can keep up with her, but she is a continuous inspiration!
~ Update From Cate ~
Hi Girls,
I'm sitting on my bed,
going through the books next to my bed.
The stack has finally fallen:
1. Triptych, Karin Slaughter
2. Proof Positive, Margolin
3. Shakespeare's Sonnets
4. The Life,Times & Treacherous Death of Jesse James, Triplett
5. The Italian Secretary, Carr
6. Domino, Ross King
7. The Russian Concubine, Furnivall
8. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Magazine Articles
9. Meditation and Relaxation in Plain English, Sharples
10. Alethophobia, Parvin
11. Fat Flush Plan, Gittleman
12. March, Geradine Brooks
Thank you Kite for this one! Love it.
13. Making Money, Terry Prachett
And Lynn for our place in disc world.
14. Native North Americans, Zimmerman
15. War and Peace, my buddy Tolstoy
16. Absolute Friends, John LeCarre
Just finished this today. Sad, sad
but one of his best books. Gerry would love it.
17. Justice Hall, L. King
These were all stacked on the floor next to my bed.
Until they fell over today. I played a game with all of them:
Okay, who's first to go, you or me?
Well they lost. Oh yeah there's one more:
Praying Through It, Kichen
But even more amazing is this one
that I bought several weeks ago:
Knitting Through It: Inspiring Stories for Times of Trouble, Nargi
Pretty much the same philosophy
but using knitting to get through tough times.
I think my knitting is just another obsession of mine.
At least I start things and sometimes finish them.
Sit in bed and knit socks.
Also I have to figure out
where the hell I'm going to put these books!
Later my best girlfriends,
~ Cate's Books ~
{posted sometime back on The Quotidian Kit}
Stacks Beside Bed, Toppled By Curious Cats
Who Failed To Heed Cate's "Careful -- Danger" Warning!
But, hey, just take a look at that great selection of reading material!
Remember my friend Cate, yhe one with the (
stylish cats) and the talent for
She also reads. A lot.
She sent me the following summary of the current inventory scattered willy-nilly around her house:
Book of the Month:
A Little History of the World,
author: E. H. Gombrich; illustrator: Clifford Harper
Knitting Books:
Knit Now, Not Later
Books in Guest Room:
Not for guests. Haha just kidding!
Books in
Other Guest Room: Hmmm. Maybe too many?
Books on Night Stand:
Careful -- Danger!
Books on Floor Next to Bed:
Caution -- Knitting Needles (among other things); approach with care!
P.S. from Cate to me:
Egad. Ummm could you edit the photo a little so my messy pile doesn't look so messy? lol
And did I send you the lists of the books in those other rooms?
P.S.S. from me to Cate:
But it's the MESSINESS that we love!
No, you have not yet sent the lists for "Guest Room" and "Other Guest Room."
But I am keen to know! Share and I will post!
What I DO have is your coffee table list . . .
~ Cate's Coffee Table ~
{previously posted on The Quotidan Kit}
On Cate's coffee table, look for the following:
1. Love and Power: Awakening To Mastery, Lynn V. Andrews
2. The Bible - New Testament
3. The Urantia Book, The Urantia Foundation
4. The Eight Gates of Zen: Spiritual Training In An American Zen, John Daido Loori
5. Practical Meditation With Buddhist Principles, Venerable Thubten Lhundrup
6. Joy To The World: Christmas Messages From America's Preachers, ed. Olivia Cloud
7. Winnie the Pooh, A. A. Milne
8. The Country Diary Of An Edwardian Lady, Edith Holden
9. Growing Herbs, Yvonne Rees
10. The Country Garden: How To Transform Your Garden Into A Lovely Retreat, ed. Country Homes & Garden
11. Time Life Roses
12. There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem, Wayne W. Dyer
13. Pontoon: A Novel of Lake Wobegon, Garrison Keillor
14. The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis
15. Meditations From the Mat: Daily Reflections On the Path of Yoga, Rolf Gates
16. Moby Dick, Herman Melville
17. Reserved For the Cat: An Elemental Masters Novel, Mercedes Lackey
18. If Not For the Grace of God: Learning To Live Independent of Frustrations and Struggles, Joyce Meyer
19. The Portable Dragon: The Western Man's Guide to the I Ching, R. G. H. Siu
20. The I Ching (Trans. Wilhelm & Baynes; forward by C. G. Jung, first published 1924; 1950 by The Princeton Univ. Press)
21. The Complete Works of Lao Tzu, translated by Hua Ching Ni
22. Sherlock Holmes and the Rune Stone Mystery, Larry Millet
23. The American Yoga Association Beginner's Manual, Alice Christensen
24. Special Topics In Calamity Physics (a novel), Marisha Pessl
25. When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice For Difficult Times, Pema Chodron
As Cate points out: "It's a big coffee table." It would have to be!
Thanks to my dear reading buddy Cate,
I am always learning something new!
Obviously Lucy & Ethel felt the same!