Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Small Sweet Tangible Things

A Rebirth of Wonder

Children are us, three-to-eight decades ago, before we became so bewildered by the realities of this world that we simply stopped looking at them.

We often count on children to be the court jesters of our lives. They say adorable things and have no idea how funny they are. . . . Yet these are actual human beings. And they are coming to see the world as it really is. Which is an exacting and terrifying experience. . . .

People sometimes . . . approach small children as miniature gurus. They imply that children can tell us the answers to the world's problems if we just get on their level and listen. We hear that children will be the ones to save us from cancer, racism, and global warming.

Of course, this is a lot to ask of them. Especially in a world marked by so much hopelessness and strife. Children will lead us in the next world because, God willing, they will not have been disillusioned by this one yet. They will remind us of a time when the small, sweet tangible things still meant something. They will ask us to go back to that moment when we felt safe.

Sarah Condon
from her book Churchy (121 - 123; see also)

A real - life example from my grandson:
On Valentine's Day, I picked up Ellie (4) and Aidan (2) from pre - K, and as soon as they got home they were having so much fun looking at everything in their Valentine bags. Aidan was holding up a card, as if he were reading it, and I asked him “what does it say?”

His answer: “It says ‘I love you Aidan.’”
THAT safe!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Getting Through January

Find a sunny spot!
Reading by the Bookshelf ~ Fadeaway Girl, 1915
by Clarence Coles Phillips, 1880 - 1927

Read to a child!
Mother and Child Reading aka Nursery Rhymes, 1896
by Frederick Warren Freer, 1849 - 1908

Tell some ghost stories!
The Rising Generation ~ Illustration for Rip Van Winkle
by Arthur Rackham, 1867 1939

Scare yourself silly!
Crime Fiction Reader
in Fliegende Blätter magazine March 1933
by Martin Claus, 1892–1975

Find your true calling & live the dream!
Literary Salon: A Reading of Molière, ca 1728
by Jean François de Troy, 1679 - 1752

Stop by the bookstore!
Above & below, postcards from

Powell's City of Books ~ Portland, Oregon

Hello From Portland!
"That bookstore is like a church to me, thought Erikka: words to listen to and think about, music sometimes to push the words towards other and grander meanings, friends to smile at and feel comfortable with, and all of that somehow adding together, making a total feeling that was larger than the good feelings of the separate parts." (29)

from The Daughter of the Moon
by Gregory Maguire (b. 1954)
More bookstores like churches:
The Last Bookaneer
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry
The Little Paris Bookshop

Monday, December 30, 2024

The Christmas Experts

If you want to know nearly everything
there is to know about the history of Christmas,
these are the books for you.

Stephen Nissenbaum (b 1941)
American scholar & History Professor
Author of The Battle for Christmas

John "Jock" Elliott
Advertising executive & Christmas Collector
Author of Inventing Christmas
January 25, 1921 - October 29, 2005

George D. Meredith
Influential Ad Man & Christmas Collector
Author of When what to my wondering eyes . . .
August 7, 1940 - January 5, 2023

Further reading on
Nissenbaum ~ Elliott & Meredith ~ Facebook

A Closing Note on Christmas Cards
Rutger Bregman: "Typically our social circles number no more than about one hundred and fifty people. Scientists arrived at this limit in the 1990s, when two American researchers asked a group of volunteers to list all the friends and family to whom they sent Christmas cards. The average was sixty - eight households, comprising some one hundred and fifty individuals." (232)
~from Humankind: A Hopeful History

Oddly, it's true! The stats don't lie!
That's exactly how many cards I send!

Saturday, November 30, 2024

How to Find Orion

How to find Orion? Get a good star book!
I have had many in my life:

As a Gemini myself (born May 24, 1957), I love seeing The Twins -- Castor and Pollux -- featured on the cover of The Stars. However, it is thanks to Orion -- nearly everyone's favorite constellation! right? -- that I know how to locate The Twins. It seems that in learning the stars, we are taught first about the Big Dipper, then the Little Dipper, but Orion is the one who stays with us over the years.

Back when I was in grade school, these two H. A. Rey constellation books were library favorites of mine. In 1999, I gave new copies to Ben & Sam for Christmas!
H. A. Rey (1898 - 1977) is of course best known for his creation of dear little Curious George, and after that for his accessile explanations of astronomy. Maybe less so for his illustrated book of Christmas Carols, but that's why I'm including it here -- because Christmas is coming and because the title song is about a star!
My mom had an old trusted book of constellations, the one she used to teach us kids: The Stars by Clock and Fist (which I still have).

From my 4th grade reading list, I had What is a Solar System? (not pictured) -- and A Child's Guide to the Stars (shown above, outside & below, inside). These two are still with me, but I seem to remember a third one that I liked even better, perhaps also from the Neosho Pulbic Library: a maroon hardback cover with an etched design of two children looking upward out of a window; and inside, a page about The Magi and their mystical understanding of the night sky. Will I ever find it or see it again?
Thank to my friend Claude
for letting me know about the work of
Martha Evans Martin & Will Tirion
Another one from Ben & Sam's Childhood
"As your bright and tiny spark,
Lights the traveller in the dark,—
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star."

See Also
on QK: "The Faithful Beauty of the Stars"
on FN: "The Orion Connection"

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Halloween Favorites

Pumpkin Moon by Tim Preston
with vivid, startling illustrations by Simon Bartram
Thanks to my friend Katie who knows
that kids' books are for grown-ups too!
Pumpkin Day, Pumpkin Night by Anne Rockwell
with nostalgic, cut - out illustrations by Megan Halsey


Not forgetting
The Little Ghost Who Was a Quilt
and of course Harry Behn's Halloween

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Naomi Shihab Nye

"I want to be someone
making music with my coming
Back in the 1970s, I was a loyal subscriber to the quarterly magazine Power: "Personal Reflections by Youth for Youth." Of course I was thrilled when some of my poems were accepted for publication; but that happened only three times.

On a more regular basis, however, I was filled with inspiration, searching the pages of each new issue for the latest poems by Naomi Shihab, a regular contributor at the time. Hers were always my favorites, so much so that I copied them all out by hand and made my own "Collected Poetry of Naomi Shihab." Certainly she was famous to me!

Those omnipresent Blue Books of my under-grad years, ever a symbol of fraught and fretful soul searching, were never put to better use. I have them with me to this day, and the poems inside, imprinted on my memory:
I would be no one.
I would have no head, no hair, no comb.

I would be the thin mist in the air of a cold morning;
I would rise and disappear early, before the sun
and the noisy streets and everyone moving.

I would hum and greet you when you awaken,
with no words, no face, no promise but my love,
like a river.

I would be here, be here, be here invisible, forever --
when all the braver ones have gone to hide --
when all these tears have years and years been dried.
Nowadays, unlike that olden era of pen to paper,
you can easily order
Everything Comes Next: Collected and New Poems
by Naomi Shihab Nye (b 1952)

and read the many Shihab Nye poems
scattered throughtout my blogs: ~ QK ~ FN ~ KL
as they have been throughout my life . . .

Where are you on
your spiritual journey?"
you ask, your sharp eyes
thumbtacking the question
on my heart.

What can I say?
I am somewhere beyond "go"
I have not stopped.

Years have shown me
the idea of travelling
is a game we play with ourselves
to pretend we're not home.

~ Naomi Shihab Nye ~

Quotidian Kit, right - hand column,

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Land Value Tax

Portrait of
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778)
by Charles Gleyre (1806 – 1874)
The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying This is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows, 'Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.'” ~Rousseau
from the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality (1775)


If you agree with Rousseau, then you'll appreciate the research of Lars A. Doucet, who believes that it is "only a slight exaggeration to say that humanity's history is defined by a struggle over land" and we need to tax "those who gatekeep the most valuable locations and natural resourcs, things which were not brought into existence by anyone's hard work or investment" (xi, 160).

In his book, Land is a Big Deal Doucet reviews the work of Henry George (1839 - 1897), including his book Progress and Poverty (1879), his article "The Science of Political Economy" (1897), and his influence on the original version of the boardgame Monopoly.

If, like me, you were always the worst in your family at Monopoly and Settlers of Catan, allow Doucet to help you understand the intricacies of land acquisition. For example, "When you sell a piece of land to someone, you're participating in a chain of peacful land sales that began at some point in the past with a violent seizure" (xi). Doucet has a lot of fun with the phrase "By George" as he explains Georgism and Land Value Tax to the beginner.

A few highlights:

p 4: "If I had to summarize George's book in a single sentence, I would put it this way: "Poverty and wealth disparity appear to be perversely linked with progress; The Rent is Too Damn High, and it is all because of land."

p 6: "He [George] then explains why the existing system causes poverty to advance alongside progress, and why we see industrial depressions. Then, he identifies the root cause of the problem (land ownership and speculative rent) and presents his solution (the Land Value Tax)."

pp 7 - 8, 62: "If we finally have the necessary material conditions and technology for utopia, why this suffering, waste, and inefficiency? . . . the man lays the blame at the feet of progress itself . . . the resiliance of poverty, oppression, and inequality in the face of advancing econimic development is . . . an inescapable consequence of our socioeconomic system. . . . where the value of land is highest, civilization exhibits the greatest luxury side by side with the most piteous destitution."
[Likewise Karl Marx: "From day to day it thus becomes clearer . . . that in the selfsame relations in which wealth is produced, poverty is produced also; that in the selfsame relations in which there is a developent of the productive forces, there is also a force producing repression . . ."]

p 13 - 14: “Yes, greed, evil, and human nature will always be with us, but isn’t it weird that we haven’t eliminated these economic problems the same way we’ve eliminated Smallpox, Scurvy, and having to write your scathing polemics about Thomas Jefferson by candlelight with a goose feather?”

p 15 - 16: "By George, what is wealth?
Wealth is produced when nature's bounty is touched by human labor resulting in a tangible product that is the object of human desire. . . .

[quoting Henry George 1897] 'It is never the amount of labor that has been exerted in bringing a thing into being that determines its value, but always the amount of labor that will be rendered in exchange for it.' In other words, 'a thing's value is whatever someone is willing to pay for it
.' "

89: "Does this mean that there can never be profitable landlords ever again? Of course not -- they just have to earn their living honesty like everyone else." [See also, Evicted]

p 102, 167, 247: "The purpose of Land Value Tax is not just to raise revenue, but to end speculation, rent - seeking, unaffordable housing, and wasteful, environmentally damaging sprawl. LVT is worth doing for those good effects alone. . . . By George, a Land Value Tax would solve this! . . . [because] Land can't run or hide. Best of all, you can't evade Land Value Taxes by obscuring land ownership though shell corporations, because the tax doesn't care who owns it."

246: "The right question is not 'can the rich game this system?' but rather, 'can they game it less than the existing one?' This is why we should keep standardized tests, even though rich people can and do game them. (The evidence shows that, on balance, standardized tets are one of the few ways a minority student from a poor background even has a chance to move upwards) . . . "

247: "Finally, defeatism is corruption's best friend. If you believe everything I'm saying here, and your only obstacle is fear of corruption, and you accept that LVT's vulnerability to corruption is not any worse than the status quo's -- then why not just get out there and fight for the world you want to see? Nothing good ever came without a struggle."

See also: Liberty and Justice For All
& Is There A World You Long To See?

The Spirit of Voltaire and Jean Jacques Rousseau
leads them to the Immortality Temple

Anonymous, French School, ca 1794
Adam Gopnik: "As Tocqueville saw half a century later, home-making, which ought to make people more selfish, makes them less so; it gives them a stake in other people’s houses. It is not so much the establishment of a garden but the ownership of a gate that moves people from liking a society based on favors to one based on rights. Enclosing his garden broadened Voltaire’s circle of compassion. When people were dragged from their gardens to be tortured and killed in the name of faith, he began to take it, as they say, personally.

from "Voltaire's Garden: The Philosopher as a Campaigner for Human Rights"