Saturday, August 17, 2019

Does Nanny Have a Line?

Rebecca & Kitti

A week ago, my friend and fellow English teacher, Rebecca Saulsbury Bravard, called me out on facebook;

and more recently my friend Clare Coleman:
"I have accepted a challenge to post seven books that I love, one book per day, no exceptions, no reviews, just covers. Each day I may ask a friend to take up the challenge. Let's promote literacy and a book list. Today, I nominate Kitti Carriker."
So, here are mine. Seven novels (published 1996 - 2003*) in that rare category of books on my shelf -- life being so short and all -- that I have loved enough to read and re-read more than once. These seven titles are bound together, in my mind, because of their struggling contemporary heroines, whose great one - liners continually speak straight to my heart.

For example:
I mean, do you have a line?
Is there a line they could cross?


It's so over the line.

Oh, does Nan have a line?

Yes, I have a line!

(133, 224 - 25)

*date of publication
& links to previous blog posts:

1996 ~ Bridget Jones's Diary
1999 ~ Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, Helen Fielding

2001 ~ Do Try to Speak as We Do, Marjorie Leet Ford
2001 ~ High Maintenance, Jennifer Belle
2002 ~ The Nanny Diaries, Emma McLaughlin & Nicola Kraus
2002 ~ A Perfect Arrangement, Suzanne Berne
2003 ~ Dogs of Babel, Carolyn Parkhurst