Monday, May 25, 2020

The Story of a Book

'Tis the season for
sorting through reams of musty old family papers
and sharing all manner of amazing discoveries.
For my book blog, it had to be this essay,
written by my mother in 1941 (age 10, 5th grade)
and published in her school paper!

The Story of My Life
(A story of a book, by Mary Lindsey)

The first thing that I can remember was that I was being neatly printed in a printing press in New York City, New York. I was so pleased when I found myself enclosed in a pretty bright red cover. Soon I found myself nicely wrapped, placed in a box with a number of other books and traveling by train to a book-store in Kansas City, Missouri.

In Kansas City I was delivered to my destination. I was placed among the children's books on a shelf middle way to the front of the store. I was dusted every day, and handled by men, women, boys, and girls. And there I sat, fearing my leaves would yellow before I would be sold. Because I had so few pictures, no one cared much about me. Finally a school teacher who had promised some prizes to several of her pupils looked me over carefully. Decided I that was suitable for either boy or girls readers.

I really think the store-keeper was glad to dispose of me, and I was glad to get farther into the world. Again I was wrapped but this time I was tied with a bright colored cord. Then dropped in a shopping bag with the other prizes that had been purchased.

The little school-mom took me to her home and laid me on her study table. The days were quiet and lonesome and I had much time to think and wonder how I would be received in my new home. At last I was made ready to be presented to the little prize winner. After being placed in a pretty gift box with the reward card, I thought I looked nice enough to be appreciated by anyone.

I was carried off to school by the teacher who was very much pleased with me, for she knew I would carry a good lesson to the one who would receive me. At the close of the program I was given to a studious little girl who thanked her teacher kindly for me. I was sure that I would like her as soon as I saw her. She seemed so glad to receive me, and handled me very carefully. As soon as she reached home, I was taken from my box and she was delighted at my appearance. After looking over my contents, she began reading me at once. She screamed with delight after finding I was the book she had wanted.

She read and re-read me and loaned me many times to her little friends. I soon began to show my age by my leaves growing loose and my back broken. I hope I did a great deal of good during my life.

I was put in the bottom of the trunk of my little owner, who now is an old lady, but still treasures me. ~ Mary Beth Lindsey


Concluding note from the teacher:
A well written story.
It has excellent content."


One of my mother's
grade school reading books

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